Design Options
Brick Selection Portfolio
One of the most compelling aspects of the DURUS™ Systems is the capacity to accept bricks from a wide variety of brick sources. Desana works hand in hand with some of the finest brick producers in the world including Belden, Metrobrick, and Endicott. Bricks from other suppliers such as Taylor Clay, Summitville, Glen-Gery, and Pacific Clay Products have been utilized and approved with the DURUS Systems.
This brings the selection portfolio for rainscreen bricks to new levels. Architects are no longer limited to the ‘only use my bricks’ scenario. The choice of bricks that are made possible by the unique design of the DURUS tray expands exponentially from other systems or manufacturers. Typical bricks for the DURUS trays are 3/4”– 1” thick although thicker dimensions up to 1.5” will also work. Bricks should be PCI compliant and will lock securely into the DURUS trays.
Bricks Styles & Colors
The choice of bricks that are made possible by the unique design of the DURUS tray expands exponentially from other systems or manufacturers. Typical bricks for the DURUS trays are 3/4”– 1” thick although thicker dimensions up to 2” will also work. Desana works with some of the finest brick producers in the world including Belden, Endicott, Metro, Mora Ceramicas, Pacific Clay Products, and others. This brings the selection portfolio for rainscreen bricks to new levels. Bricks should be PCI compliant and will lock securely into the DURUS trays.
Brick Unit | Size In Inches (Face Height x Length) |
Units Per Sq. Ft. Wall | Size in Millimeters |
Modular | 2-1/4" x 7-5/8" | 6.86 | 57mm x 194mm |
Norman | 2-1/4" x 11-5/8" | 4.75 | 57mm x 295mm |
Roman | 1-5/8" x 11-5/8" | 6.00 | 41mm x 295mm |
Economo | 3-5/8" x 7-5/8" | 4.50 | 92mm x 194mm |
Utility | 3-5/8" x 11-5/8" | 3.00 | 92mm x 295mm |
Ambassador | 2 1/4" x 15-5/8" | 3.43 | 57mm x 397mm |
Brick Design
Scroll through the following images to see the myriad of brick designs available with the DURUS System. From sill details to corbeling to options on how to approach openings, Desana systems give you a range of choices to meet your design.
Sub-Framing Systems
Versatile Sub-Framing
Our fully engineered systems serve as the standard for rainscreen brick systems across the country. We also understand that not all projects will require a fully engineered rainscreen assembly on the wall. Desana offers two options to select from when designing your project. It is important to understand the bricks and mortar on their own do not make a watertight assembly and provisions should be made by the architect/designer/installer to ensure no water gets into the wall or building.

Full Rainscreen Assembly with
Rear Ventilation
Design considerations of today place energy efficiency and continuous insulation front and center.
- A full rainscreen system begins with an uninterrupted air/moisture barrier applied to the substrate. Isolated brackets are attached through the barrier and into the structural wall.
- Continuous insulation is placed over and around the brackets.
- Brackets come in various depths allowing us to create cavity depths from 2” – 10” deep from face of sheathing to backside of trays. Vertical L profiles are fixed to the brackets.
This combination of components is what makes the DURUS Systems meet the energy requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2022 and all the latest stretch codes and Passive Home requirements.
Level Out Your Uneven and Irregular Substrates
Vertical L profiles are fixed to a specially designed tension bar (helping hand) in the bracket. The helping hand tension bar will hold the profiles in place temporarily and provide up to a ¾” of leeway. The installer can use a laser to level all the vertical profiles and eliminate substrate irregularities before the first tray is installed.
Recladding and Retrofit Installations
Desana brackets are compatible with a variety of structurally sound substrates including block, concrete, parged concrete, steel and wood framing making it ideal for recladding solutions. The combination of brackets with the tension bar and vertical rails allows the installer to work all types of existing structurally sound substrates to create a fully engineered rainscreen system on the project.
Cavity System
A cavity of at least one inch is a best practice for any brick veneer. In cases where the full rainscreen system is not required simple Z or Omega profiles can be installed onto a watertight substrate creating a cavity area of 1” to 3”. This cavity will allow for drainage and help to eliminate any moisture buildup.